
Please check back with us often for a good selection of books about organs and organbuilding, playing, musicians, and builders! New items are added frequently.

Splendid Service, Restoration of Tannenberg's Organ at Salem, North CarolinapadNEW! The largest Tannenberg Organ, Restored! America�s first professional organbuilder, David Tannenberg, received in 1798 at age 70 the commission to build a 2m organ for Home Moravian Church in Salem, North Carolina. That organ remains the largest extant of Tannenberg�s instruments, with two manuals and pedal. Silent for 88 years as it languished in storage, the organ was restored 1998-2004 by Taylor & Boody. This handsome book recounts Tannenberg�s biography, the organ�s history, and the story of its restoration. More than half of the book is devoted to the restoration, including many technical details. Illustrations and photographs abound. Click picture for more details and to order.
Organists' Journal and Review 1874-77, Edited by Eugene ThayerpadNEW! American organist and composer Eugene Thayer (1838-1889) inaugurated in 1874 a newspaper exclusively for organists � the first such publication in America and the forerunner to The Diapason, The American Organist, and The Tracker. Each issue contains commentary, reports and stoplists of specific organs in the U. S. and abroad, historical accounts, articles, and compositions for the organ by Thayer (28 pieces), Liszt, Rossini, Chadwick, Merkel, Guilmant, Lemmens, Hesse, Battmann, and many others. In 1877, Thayer published all of the issues as a set containing 242 pages, and a facsimile of that is what the Organ Historical Society has published anew, as a hardbound book with a very informative biographical introduction. Click the headline for more information and to order.
Joel Speerstra: Bach and the Pedal ClavichordpadNEW! What was the role of the pedal clavichord in music history? Was it a cheap practice instrument for organists or was it a teaching tool that helped contribute to the quality of organ playing in its golden age? This book explores J. S. Bach�s keyboard technique as preserved by his first biographer, J. N. Forkel(1802), through an experiment which reconstructs and then documents the use by musicians of a pedal harpsichord such as that owned by J. S. Bach. 280 pages, 10 illustrations.
Cavaill�-Coll Catalog, 1889padNEW! For the 1889 Paris World�s Fair, Cavaill�-Coll prepared a handsome catalog of ten model organs of up to 30 stops as well as 28 additional pages devoted to stoplists and drawings of organs built and proposed for such places as Sheffield, England and St. Peter�s Basilica in Rome, testimonials, a history of the firm, and a list of exported organs (including a tantilizing dozen to �Amerique"). Of course, the text is in French. The publisher of this facsimile adds a description of the Fair in English, color pictures and stoplists of seven extant examples identical to the model organs, and more.
Organ Loft Whisperings: Paris 1893-94padNEW! Writings from Paris 1893-1894 by Fannie Edgar Thomas as correspondent of New York's Musical Courier are compiled by Agnes Armstrong. Thomas describes in great detail the music scene in late 19th-century Paris, relating especially to organs and organists. Also discussed are music education in France, the famed Conservatoire Nationale, private music teachers, and Americans studying in Paris. Having researched and annotated the reports of Thomas, Armstrong indexed them and provides a name glossary identifying each of the personalities mentioned in the text. Thomas' interviews and observations are generously illustrated with period photographs. Forewords by Orpha Ochse and Kurt Lueders, and a Preface by Armstrong. 211 pages, 9x12, hardbound
Charles Villiers Stanford Man and Musician by Jeremy DibblepadNEW! Among Britain's gifted and productive composers, Stanford (1852-1924) is best known for his church music. Cosmopolitan, ambitious, and pragmatic, he was untiring in advancing the cause of British music during its renaissance at the end of the 19th century, promoting his contemporaries and pupils he taught at Cambridge and the Royal Conservatory. 576 pages, illustrated
Max Reger and Karl Straube: Perspectives on an Organ Performing Tradition by Christopher AndersonpadThe author evaluates the significance of the relationship between Max Reger (1873-1916) and contemporary Karl Straube (1873-1950) using primary source materials such as autograph performing manuscripts, reviews, programs, letters and archival sources from contemporary organ building. The result is a much enhanced understanding of Reger in terms of performance practice and reception history, and a re-examination of Straube and, more broadly, of Leipzig as a musical center during this period. 450 pages, hardbound
Mendelssohn: A Life in Music by R. Larry DoddpadNEW! In the first major Mendelssohn biography in decades, discover many new facets of this familiar but misunderstood composer, and gain new perspectives on a formidable musical genius. The situations and personalities surrounding the creation of all of the major works and most of the smaller ones, as well as analysis of many, enlighten understanding and appreciation. The organ works receive as much attention as other important works in this fine biography by the leading Mendelssohn scholar and musicologist Dodd, of Duke University. Pubished by Oxford, 712 pages, illustrated.
Stoplists of Aristide Cavaill�-CollpadNEW! Stoplists of all organs known to have been built by Aristide Cavaill�-Coll (and significant organs proposed but not built) are organized in chronological order by author Jesse Eschbach and trace the history and tonal evolution throughout the sixty year career of this master organbuilder. The text is in English, French, and German. Agnes Armstrong contributes an essay, Cavaill�-Coll Organs for North America. 896 pages
Collaboration, by Edouard Nies-Berger">Albert Schweitzer and the Bach Edition: Memoirs of a
Collaboration, by Edouard Nies-Berger
padNEW! In 1949, Albert Schweitzer asked Eduoard Nies-Berger, organist of the New York Philharmonic, to assist him in editing the final three volumes of the J. S. Bach organ works, an undertaking Schweitzer had begun years earlier with Charles-Marie Widor. In this book, Nies-Berger, a fellow Alsatian who had known Schweitzer since childhood, chronicles their collaboration during the final decade and a half of Schweitzer's life and presents his candid observations of this extraordinary man and the people around him. From his reminiscences of their warm friendship emerges a fascinating portrait of this complex yet very human genius. 140 pages hardbound Click the headline for more information and to order.
The Organ by David BakerpadNew Edition Low Price Extensively illustrated with 49 in color and 50 monochrome, this book introduces the organ, its history, design, and repertoire. It describes types of organ pipes and various styles of organ by era and nationality, and also presents a brief history of the organ. Previously available from another publisher at a higher price, this book was very popular in its previous incarnation. Possibly useful as a textbook. 96pp.
A Book of Essays for Heinrich Fleischer: Perspectives on Organ Playing & Musical InterpretationpadNEW! For the 90th birthday of Heinrich Fleischer, colleagues honor the great teacher and organist who relocated from Leipzig to the Chicago area in 1949. The book contains eight essays including Christoph Wolff on the authenticity of Bach�s Toccata & Fugue in d Click for other essay subjects and authors
ECHO: European Cities of Historical OrganspadNEW! Editor Reinhard Jaud gathers exquisite color photographs of 44 famous organs in these cities, interlacing them with stoplists and histories in English as well as the language of each city. The creation of this beautiful book in 2002 arises from the association in 1997 of ECHO: European Cities of Historical Organs, with nine members by 2002. Included in the book are important historic organs in Alkmaar, Freiberg, G�teborg, Innsbruck, Lisbon, Roskilde, Toulouse, Treviso, and Zaragoza. Click on headline for more information.
GOArt Documentation of Old Organspad
NEW! Sverker Jullander, general editor
Bringing organbuilders together with scientists (physicists, metallurgists, acousticians, etc.), historians, musicians and more, the documentation of organs can be more thorough than ever before, through an inclusive methodology and application of techniques and processes, many heretofore not applied to the organ. The first published results of these techniques test them and demonstrate their usefulness and applicability to any organ. Each report consists of a book in English with descriptive texts by Niclas Fredriksson, an historical overview by Axel Unnerb�ck, photos, a table of general scalings, and a CD-ROM with hundreds of photos and measurement tables and containing a statement on the methods employed in documentation (including unique and non-destructive techniques for measuring metal thickness, etc.). Click on title for selection.
Organ Techniquepad
NEW! by Jacques van Oortmerssen This book provides study material, in English, for the development of a thorough and reliable organ technique based on historical principles and tradition, toward the development of expressiveness and stylistic differentiation. ....intended for those with a relatively advanced keyboard tecnique.
Proceedings of the Weckmann Symposium, ed. Sverker JullanderpadProceedings of the Weckmann of 1991 in G�teborg, Sweden, edited by Sverker Jullander, with most essays in English and a few in German. Contains 11 studies grouped 3 sections: 1) Weckmann�s life, work and environment with essays by Ibo Ortgies, Hans Davidsson, Arnfried Edler, and Frederick K. Gable; 2) 17th- century composers linked with Weckmann, including Monteverdi, Sch�tz, Jacob Praetorius II, van Noordt, and J. A. Reincken, discussed by Alexander Silbiger, Gable, Curtis Lasell, Hans van Nieuwkoop, adn Ulf Grapenthin. 3) Erik Kjellberg documents musical life as governed by Swedish rule in the area of Northern Germany in the 17th century and Greger Andersson gives an overview of the relationship between organists and town musicians in 17th and 18th century Sweden. 282 pages, softbound. Includes audio cassette of 11 Sacred Concertos by Weckmann as performed by soloists, instrumentalists, and choir conducted by Mikael Paulsson.
Proceedings of the G�teborg International Organ Academy, 1994padHans Davidsson, Sverker Jullander, eds.
23 articles: 1 in French, 2 in German, 20 in English, 514 pages NEW!
A Passable and Good Temperamentpad
NEW! by Johan Norrback
Seeking a definable way of selecting the temperament in which an organ may be tuned, Johan Norrback describes (in English) a new method for studying tuning and temperament in organ music involving three primary elements: ....
Sound Quality of Flue Organ Pipespad
by Vincent Rioux Study of the art of voicing organ pipes was undertaken at Chalmers University of Technology in collaboration with GoArt. Reported in English as his doctoral dissertation in applied acoustics, Rioux worked with an organ workshop engaged principally in the reconstruction of Baroque organs, gathering descriptions obtained from an expert voicer and comparing them with physical analyses made on experimental pipes or psychological analyses made on a pool of test participants. He was able to produce a structured list of words and phrases suitable for the description of flue organ pipe sounds. 200 pages, softbound NEW!
Influence of Alloy, casting technique, etc., in organ pipespadThe authors quantify the effects of many variables on the production of tone in organ pipes. Studied are metal alloys; metal thickness; metal casting techniques including cloth and sand; metal treatments such as scraping (and orientation of scrape relative to the metal sheet), hammering; cutting from various parts of a cast sheet; orientation of cut relative to the metal sheet; down surface vs. up surface; casting temperature. Also, analysis of pipe metal from the Scherer organ at Tangerm�nde. 63 pages softbound
The Story of the World's Largest Pipe Organ by Stephen D. Smith">Atlantic City's Musical Masterpiece
The Story of the World's Largest Pipe Organ by Stephen D. Smith
padLong awaited and now at a SPECIAL LOW PRICE! The comprehensive book about the World's Largest Organ at Atlantic City, as written by Stephen D. Smith, contains almost every detail concerning the instrument, including a wealth of information that has never before been published. Hard facts and personal opinions are brought together in an almost story-like format that includes historical information, technical details, stop lists, and biographies of people involved with the organ.
Regular price: $46.00
Sale price: $25.00
A Pictorial Essay about the World�s Largest Pipe Organ">The Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ
A Pictorial Essay about the World�s Largest Pipe Organ
padSPECIAL LOW PRICE! This large-format book contains 94 of the legendary black and white 8"x10" photographs taken by Fred Hess & Son between 1929 and 1932, documenting the construction of the famous Midmer-Losh pipe organ with its 449 ranks and 33,114 pipes -- the largest organ in the world.
Regular price: $45.00
Sale price: $25.00
Music in the Marketplace: The Wanamaker Organpadby Ray Biswanger. Read the complete story of the colossal pipe organ and the fabled Philadelphia retail palace that has been its showcase for 90 years. Order your copy now!
Regular price: $69.50
Sale price: $66.00
Cornelius H. Edskes, Doctor Honoris Causapad
Hans Davidsson and Paul Peeters, eds.
Published in honor of Cor Edskes, this is one main article in German language by Edskes on the original pitch and temperament of the Schnitger organ at St. Jacobi, Hamburg, with a summary in English and introductory texts in German and English. 46 pages
On Dynamic Behavior of Wind Systems for Pipe Organspad
by Tobias Carlsson
In many respects related to the new �Schnitger� organ constructed in G�teborg, this dissertation published in 2002 (in English) measures many recognized but previously unmeasured relationships, ...Click on title for complete description.
Olof Hedlund, orgelbyggarepadby Birger Olsson
in Swedish, with English summary, 256 pages NEW!
Bach Tempo Guide - With 200 Practical Exercisespad

NEW! by Clemens von Gleich & Johnann Sonnleitner From J. S. Bach�s complete instrumental and vocal works, the authors have selected some 200 practical examples which are presented as exercises for students, professionals, and amateurs. Clear explanations and discussions are written engagingly in English. The book also contains a CD of Jacques van Oortmerssen playing works of Bach on several famous historic organs. 176 pages softbound
GOArt Research Reports Vol. 1padNEW! Sverker Jullander, ed.; Paul Peeters & Pamela Ruiter-Feenstra, assoc. eds.

Hans Davidsson and Munetaka Yokota, �Introduction to the Technical Research�....
Tore Granh�ll, �Some Unsteady Flow Phenomena in Wind Supply Systems of Pipe Organs�....
Hans van Nieuwkoop, �Tempo and Time Signatures in the 17th and 18th Centuries�
For complete list of contents click on title 215 pages, softbound
GOArt Research Reports Vol. 2padNEW! Sverker Jullander, ed.

William Porter, �Reconstructing 17th-Century North German Improvisational Practice�....
Kerala J. Snyder, �Franz Tunder�s Stock-Exchange Concerts: Prelude to the L�beck Abendmusiken�....
Joris Verdin, �The Aesthetic Principles of the Harmonium: the Essence of Expression�....
Click title for complete table of contents
GOArt Research Reports, Vol. 3padNEW! Sverker Jullander, ed.

Johan Bergsten and Paul Peeters, �The GoArt Database System: A Tool for Organ and Keyboard Research�
Pieter Dirksen, �Dieterich Buxtehude and the Chorale Fantasia�....
For complete table of contents click on title.
The Heaving Ocean of TonespadNEW!
by Joachim Walter
The author found primary-source evidence of German Romantic music performance techniques that contradict earlier conclusions, especially regarding dynamics and registration practices. Transcriptions of Beethoven and Mozart works as written out by Hermann Jimmerthal (1809-1866), organist at the giant 1854 Schulze organ in St. Mary�s, L�beck (organ destroyed in WWII), employ unexpected, kaleidoscopic, registration practices continued by Jimmerthal�s successor, Karl Lichtwark. 241 pages
(The author plays this music on the Ladegast at Schwerin. Motette CD-12681 $14.98)
The Nordic Baltic Organ Bookpad
NEW! Magnificent color pictures grace all 300 pages describing 57 organs in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Anna Frisk, Sverker Jullander, and Andrew McCrea, editors. Included are stoplists, historical and cultural background, and information on the organbuilders and their time. The text is in English.
The New 1916 Edition">A Friendly Guide-Book to the Wanamaker Store:
The New 1916 Edition
padNEW! From the Friends of the Wanamaker Organ Reprinted from a popular edition, this little booklet goes well beyond information about the organ with general information about the famous department store, including pictures and descriptions ....
The North German Organ Research Project at G�teborg UniversitypadNEW! Joel Speerstra, editor. The latest publication from GoArt includes contributions from scholars, scientists, organists, and organbuilders involved in the project of creating a new �Schnitger� organ in G�teborg as a multidisciplinary excercise that results in the ever more widely admired 82-rank Schnitger �clone.� 376 pages, includes CD-Rom with more documentation and photographs.
The Books of American Negro Spirituals by James Weldon Johnson & J. Rosamond JohnsonpadNEW! Two volumes combined into one present more than 120 spirituals set for voice with piano accompaniment. Each section of the book has an extensive preface by its editor. Softbound, 376 pp. Click on headline to order.
Craig R. Whitney: All the StopspadWriting for curious people who might become interested in the organ as well as for those who already are interested, organ enthusiast (and organist) Craig Whitney tells us why he loves the organ and, in so doing, relates wonderful anecdotes about many of the greats including Virgil Fox, E. Power Biggs, Leopold Stokowski as an organist, E. M. Skinner, G. Donald Harrison, Rodman Wanamaker and the organ in his Philadelphia department store, and more. His research included the papers of Virgil Fox�s long-time manager, Roberta Bailey, and he relates her key role in the development of Fox�s career. The author has worked as a reporter for the New York Times in New York, Saigon, Bonn, Moscow, Paris, and London, and as diplomatic correspondent, foreign editor, Washington editor, and is currently assistant managing editor.
Regular price: $30.00
Sale price: $22.50
Modern Organ Tuning by Herman SmithpadNEW! Originally published at the turn of the 20th century, this book clearly explains the nature of the organ pipe and the system of equal temperament, and how to set the equal temperament. The author also traces the evolution of the diatonic scale. 132 pages, softbound
The Organ: Its History and Construction by Hopkins & Rimbault pad
New Edition First published in 1855, this edition is newly typeset from the third edition of 1877. The most complete text on how an organ works in all of its variations to 1877, the book comprises 854 pages, technical illustrations, examples of stoplists, and much more. hardbound
Bibliography of Organ Music by W. B. Henshaw, 2nd editionpadlists 53,000 organ works by 5,700 composers, including publishers. Shows items in collections (i. e. Vierne: Carillon de Westminster is listed individually as Suite 6, No. 6, of Pieces de Fantaisie, Op. 54). 1,134 pages, hardbound NEW!
Modern Organ Stops by Noel A. Bonavia-Huntpad
New Edition First published in 1923, this book was written as �a practical guide� to organ stops, �their Nomenclature, Construction, Voicing and Artistic Use.� Included is a glossary of terms �relating to the Science of Tone-Production from Organ Pipes.� 138 pages, hardbound
An Exploration of the Organ Stops by Carl Locherpad
New Edition First published in English translation in 1888, describes the sound and construction of pipes which comprise more than 160 organ stops. As well, he defines other terms and, most helpfully, gives �hints for effective combinations� of stops. Locher was an organist in Berne, Switzerland, and first wrote at the behest of music teachers on the Continent who had heard him lecture on the subject. 65 pages, hardbound
Dickson: Practical Organ-Buildingpad
New Edition The author offers concise, step-by-step, precise instructions for building a chamber pipe organ of one or two manuals and pedal. It contains 154 pages and 58 diagrams, a list of tools needed, and covers the making of wood pipes, the windchests, bellows, key and stop actions, and a section on organs in village churches.
Story of the Electric Organ by J. W. Hintonpad
New Edition First published in 1909, the book traces the international evolution of electric action in pipe organs from 1851. 130 pages, hardbound
Reform in Organ Building by Thomas Cassonpad
New Edition A lecture delivered to the Birmingham and Midland Musical Guild in 1888 addresses the concepts of design in a complete organ with up to four manuals, a pedal organ, and other forward-looking features. The highly respected Casson was party to a celebrated and ongoing �feud� with Robert Hope-Jones concerning organ design. 24 pages softbound
Barbara Owen: The Organ in New EnglandpadAvailable Again! But supplies are very short! Just a few uncirculated, new copies have been found of this book published in 1979 by Sunbury Press. It traces the evolution of organs and their builders in New England from the Colonial era to the 20th century. 649 pages hardbound, 184 photos, 116 stoplists, slight foxing. Click on the headline to order.
Organs in Berlin by Uwe PapepadNEW! The noted Berlin authority on organs, Uwe Pape, has published a beautiful book (in German language only) on the organs of Berlin, with more than 200 photographs, most in color. Complete with map and addresses, the book serves as a guide and reference tool. Several pages are devoted to the transplanted 1870 E. & G. G. Hook 3m organ from Woburn, Massachusetts, now installed in Berlin.
Tracing the Organ Master�s Secretspadby Anders Carlsson, Hans Davidsson, Su Dunthorne, Pamela Ruiter-Feenstra, Joel Speerstra In an ultimate investigation (so far) into the design and construction of the North German Baroque organ as built by its most famous builder, Arp Schnitger, G�teborg University in Sweden organized some of the world�s great organbuilders, scientists, and experts into a group who have literally built a new and large Schnitger of 82 ranks based on precise studies and duplication of extant and evidence of extinct examples,.... The project is related in mostly non-technical terms in this handsome book, including 70 photographs, mostly in color, and a highly informative text in English. 77 pages, hardbound. NEW!
GOArt Doctoral Dissertations from G�teborg UniversitypadNEW! Multi-media studies on the music of Matthias Weckmann, Otto Olsson, Petr Eben, and organbuilder Petter Adolph Albrechtsen. Click on headline to select.
Peter Hardwick: British Organ Music of the 20th CenturypadNEW! As the first survey of 20th-century British music for solo organ, this book focuses on pieces that composers wrote, their musical style, possible influences on the composition of specific works, and details of composition. Larger sections are devtoed to Parry, Stanford, Healey Willan, Herbert Howells, Percy Whitlock, Francis Jackson, Peter Racine Fricker, Arthur Wills, and Kenneth Leighton. Biographies, the role of organs and organ building developments, influential political and sociological events, and aesthetic aspects of British musical life figure in the discussion. A comprehensive Catalog of Works provides titles of works, dates of composition, details of publishers, and the dates of publication. More than 60 music examples, twelve black and white photos, and an up-to-date bibliography are included. 432 pages, hardbound Click on the headline for more information and to order
Robert N. Roth: Wond�rous Machine: A Literary Anthology Celebrating the OrganpadNEW! This anthology presents the literary expressions of writers who have sought to capture the magic of the organ in poetry and prose, in stories, in factual and fictional accounts, in simile, and in metaphor. Literature by about 100 authors is divided into five sections: 1) poetry from six centuries (by such as Auden, Browning, Chaucer, Dickinson, Dryden, Eliot, Hesse, Marvell, Milton and Dylan Thomas); 2) passages from novels; 3) excerpts from mystery writers; 4) short stories, printed in their entirety, by such masters as Arnold Bennett, David Ely, Bill Franzen, Garrison Keillor, H. L. Mencken, and Jessamyn West; 5) essays by such as Leigh Hunt, George Bernard Shaw, Richard Steele, and Virgil Thomson. Selections are linked with commentary and background and biographical information. 216 pages hardbound. Click on the headline to order.
Alexander Schuke Orgelbau, 1894-1994padGerman language book Gernot Schmidt writes of the firm�s landmark restorations of the 1624 Scherer organ at Tangerm�nde, the 1871 Ladegast at Schwerin, the 1683 Gehrke-Herbst at Basedow, the 1664 Reichel-Positiv (Handel organ) at Halle, and several more. Essays survey important organ history in Potsdam, Germany, and seven organbuilders located there ca. 1650 to 1994 including the Schuke firm as well as the connections to Potsdam of Joachim Wagner (1690-1749) of Berlin and Johann Wilhelm Gr�neberg (1751-1808) of Brandenberg/Havel. Click on picture for further description
Regular price: $15.98
Sale price: $2.99
Manufacturing the Muse: Estey Organs & Consumer Culture in Victorian AmericapadA book by Dennis G. Waring, and a CD! Together, the book and the CD tell the story of the reed organ in American culture. Click on picture for complete description and ordering
Maurice Durufl�, 1902-1986: The Last Impressionist, edited by Ronald EbrechtpadAdmired as composer of universally beloved organ works and other compositions, Maurice Durufl� (1902-1986) is celebrated at the centennial of his birth by editor Ronald Ebrecht who has collected seven fine articles on Durufl�'s life and work that will enthrall all those who have come under the spell of this great master of French Impressionism. 248 pages, hardbound Click picture for further description and list of authors
Kerala Snyder: The Organ as a Mirror of Its TimepadThe organ, more than any other instrument, represents the music, art, architecture, craft, and science of its day, reflecting the spirit of the age in which it was built. This book is the first to consider the organ's historical and cultural significance, and reflects the efforts of twenty leading scholars of the organ in chronicling the six organs in Scandinavia and Northern Germany, at least one specimen for every century from 1600 to the present. By considering their original contexts and their histories since they were built, as well as the extraordinary coincidences that link them together, the book offers a unique perspective on the cultural history of northern Europe. A CD with appropriate repertoire played on each of the six instruments accompanies the 416-page, illustrated, book, published by Oxford in cooperation with the G�teborg Organ Art Center. Click headline for more information or to order
Elgar & the Three Cathedral Organists by Relf ClarkpadNEW! In four essays, Relf Clark describes the creative and friendly relationships that Elgar enjoyed with the organists of three English Cathedrals: Ivor Atkins at Worcester, Herbert Brewer at Gloucester, and G. R. Sinclair at Hereford. These three were in their respective organ lofts for two decades during Elgar�s most creative period, and they led the illustrious, biennial, Three Choirs Festival in which Elgar�s music was, and still is, often heard. Click for further description.
Patricia S. Arthur: Making Joyful Noises (in Fort Wayne, Indiana)padNEW! Documenting the organ history of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and the surrounding Allen County, Patricia Arthur compiles organ histories 1840-2000 of more than 60 churches and institutions. Color photographs and stoplists of extant organs fill an Appendix. She examines the Fort Wayne Organ Co. 1871-1929, other local builders, work of the Hinners firm, organs in residences and theatres, and more. 278 pages Click on the headline to order.
Thirteen Essays About the Organ, Edited by Paul Hale">The IAO Millennium Book
Thirteen Essays About the Organ, Edited by Paul Hale
padThis book collects the penetrating observations of distinguished leaders in the organ world in 13 essays. Peter Williams and John Butt present the prospect of a "post-authentic" future for organ performance. Thomas Murray observes an international reawakening of true romanticism in organ playing and building. Kevin Boyer sheds new light on the whole range of 20th-century organ music. Stephen Bicknell rejoices in the inspiring quality of contemporary organbuilding in the USA. Nicholas Thistlethwaite visits landmarks of 20th-century organbuilding, and John Norman predicts a century ahead. Patrick Burns brings a new impression of the Atlantic City organ, the world's largest. David Briggs writes on improvisation and Roy Bingham on theatre-organ playing. Two writers examine church music: Lionel Dakers surveys the 20th century and Richard Shephard discusses today's demands on church music composers. Terry Hoyle traces the history of organ recordings. Click on the picture for more information
of the Organ Works of C�sar Franck">Rollin Smith: Toward an Authentic Interpretation
of the Organ Works of C�sar Franck
padNEW! This new edition, greatly enlarged, revised, and emended, incorporates research completed during the past two decades, updating information on the Sainte-Clotilde organ while retaining its original intent: to compile and examine the extant, first-hand references to Franck as an organ student, organ player, and organ teacher written by those who knew him, heard him, and studied with him. Click ikon for further description
Smith: Playing the Organ Works of C�sar FranckpadRollin Smith's systematic study of the Franck organ works serves as a permanent masterclass. Beginning with a concentrated chapter summarizing Franck�s life and his social and musical milieu in Paris, Smith moves systematically through the organ works in lucid prose, addressing registration, tempo, discrepancies in manuscript and published scores, and other issues of effective, authentic, and accurate performance. Many illustrations and musical examples enhance the text. 312 pp., hardbound.
The Painting of Organ Case Doors in EuropepadNEW! This magnificent, beautiful book documents some 493 pairs of doors on pipe organ cases built throughout Europe and Great Britain 1450-1700. About 850 photographs, most in color, adorn its 720 large pages. Click picture for more information
by Nicholas Plumley and Austin Niland">A History of the Organs in St. Paul's Cathedral, London
by Nicholas Plumley and Austin Niland
padBeginning with the �Father� Smith organ of 1694, the organs in the famous London cathedral are traced through enlargement and rebuildings of the Smith organ, through the Willis organ of 1872 and 1930, to the current Mander organ of 225 ranks which comprises much of its predecessors. Also covered are other organs in the Cathedral and even some information about the previous cathedral building, destroyed in the London fire of 1666. 221 pages softbound, illustrated
Toward the Conservation and Restoration of Historic Organs: the Liverpool ConferencepadPapers from the conference on organ conservation held in Liverpool, England, in 1999 present an overview of conservation in Britain, Europe, and the USA, with renowned contributors. Areas covered include: conservation related to musical performance; concert organs and their repertoire; organ consultants; training of restorers; archaeology; planning conservation. Click on picture for further description
150 Jahre Orgelbau Link, 1851-2001, edited by Christoph NaackepadNEW! German-language book This important German organbuilding firm has 1,082 organs on its opus list through 2002, plus many rebuilt organs, all of which are listed in the book. Nine of the 13 chapters are written by Hermann Fischer and concern: Eugen Link�s association with Albert Schweitzer and Alsace; the Organophon (player organ); the factory and its owners; Eugen Link as president of the Association of Organbuilding Masters of Germany; World War I; and more which is more fully described by clicking the picture
Book II, edited by Philipp Klais">Contributions to the History and Aesthetic of the Organ,
Book II, edited by Philipp Klais
padNEW! German language Eleven superb essays on organbuilding, restoration, the metal composition of pipes, preservation, concert hall organs, and more appear in this handsome volume. Click for a list of essays and more information
Book I, edited by Hans Gerd Klais">Contributions to the History and Aesthetic of the Organ,
Book I, edited by Hans Gerd Klais
padNEW! in OHS Catalog Published in 1982 with 14 topics or essays. 416 pages, illustrated. Click ikon for a list of contents and titles of essays
Organs in the City of Celle by Uwe PapepadNEW! Celle, in Lower Saxony, is home to historic cases of the 16th - 18th centuries as well as new ones. The book contains the organ history of Celle, with accounts of all organs in historical cases or containing pipes from 1860 or earlier; a complete inventory of all instruments from 1368 to the present; organbuilders who built new organs in Celle up to 1945, including lists of works. Click ikon for more information on this German-language book
"Musicus Doctus," Festschrift for Hans Musch, edited by Kay JohannsenpadNEW! Five essays on organ music, four essays on organbuilding, three essays on sacred music, 224 pages hardbound, illustrated, all but two essays in German language. Click ikon for list of essays
edited by Michael Gerhard Kaufmann">"Ioculator Dei," Festschrift for Andreas Schr�der,
edited by Michael Gerhard Kaufmann
padNEW! Ten essays on organbuilding and seven essays on music, 184 pages, illustrated, hardbound, German language. Click ikon for list of essays
Handling Old-Fashioned Organs by Rudolf MeyerpadNEW! Using as an example the rebuild of the 1930 Kuhn organ in the Munster at Bern, Switzerland, the author examines modern-day concerns of restoring and regbuilding organs of the 1930s to the 1960s. New, revised edition, 64 pages, 24 illustrations, German language
The Workshop Book of the Organbuilder Christian Vater (facsimile)padNEW! Christian Vater worked for Arp Schnitger 1697-1702 and kept a book of important details of Schnitger�s practices. In addition to 56 pages of facsimile, the book transcribes the hard-to-read German handwriting to modern type (in German only). There is a substantial foreword in English by William Porter and one in German by Paul Peeters of G�teborg. 107 pages
by Karl-Heinz G�ttert and Eckhard Isenberg">Orgelf�hrer Europa: Color Pictures of 90 Organs in Europe
by Karl-Heinz G�ttert and Eckhard Isenberg
padThis beautiful book presents pictures of about 100 organs, with 90 pictures in full color and many stoplists. Both historic and modern organs are covered in fourteen European countries. Though the text is entirely in German with no translation, the pictures and stoplists are accessible to everyone! Readers of German will learn of the authors' process of visiting these organs, with histories. 275 pages, hardbound. Click ikon for further description.
by G�ttert & Isenberg">Orgelf�hrer Deutschland: Color Pictures of Organs in Germany
by G�ttert & Isenberg
padSimilar to its companion volume Orgelf�hrer Europa, this handsome collection of pictures and information on organs in Germany is now in its third and updated edition, and available for the first time from OHS. The text is entirely in German with no translations but the pictures and stoplists are accessible to everyone! hardbound, 265 pages
The Wonderful World of the Organ by Marcel ThomannpadExquistely illustrated with full color drawings, diagrams, and many photographs throughout, the world of the organ becomes even more wonderful while perusing the eye-popping pages of this handsome, large-format tome. An entire chapter deals with mechansim, with wonderfully clear drawings of how it all works. Then come chapters on ancient organs and magnificent examples of organs built in the 16th through the 20th centuries. The text is entirely in German with no translation, but the illustrations are largely self explanatory. 96 pages Click ikon for further description.
Old Cinemas by Allen EylespadCinema historian Allen Eyles presents a short history of movie theatres in Britain, tracing architectural styles and the evolution of these fascinating houses in every decade since the first purpose-built movie house, constructed in 1907. It concentrates on the architectural heyday before World War II. Organs are seen in many of the photographs, and they are mentioned in the text. 59 photos. Click ikon for further description
Sharon L. Hettinger: American Organ Music of the 20th CenturypadNEW! This work collects a bibliography of publications about American organ composers and their works. Entries include short biographies and sources thereof, excluding lists of works. The work is current to 1993 and is pubished in a bibliography series edited by J. Bunker and Marilyn S. Clark. Click on the headline to order.
Ten Organs, 350 Photos, Text">Historical Organs of Alkmaar on CD-ROM
Ten Organs, 350 Photos, Text
padThis CD-ROM contains an interactive �show� that chronicles ten very historic organs in the city of Alkmaar in The Netherlands. The user selects an organ of interest and the program displays 350 color photographs, plays recorded music at CD quality, and provides information in written English text. (Note: This is not a conventional book. There are no printed pages and one must use a computer to view it.)
The Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ: by Stephen D. SmithpadFour essays are gathered into a 60-page booklet published by the ACCHOS, describing the world�s largest organ. Included are the layout of all of the divisions in the building, layout of the consoles, the full stoplist, construction details on every rank of pipes, a splendid explanation of the resources and operation of the five-manual console, and how it differs from the seven-manual one. And, much more.
Austin Organs by Orpha OchsepadA More than the history of one firm, this book is a history of the American organ in the 20th century! writes historian Barbara Owen. In 640 lavishly illustrated pages, author Orpha Ochse writes the first complete history of 20th-century America's premier organbuilder to "carriage trade" churches and institutions. Scores of major musicians had an Austin organ central in their creative lives, including Leo Sowerby and Edwin Lemare. The genius and innovation of John and Basil Austin are examined along with other key organ builders and examples of organs in each decade of the firm's existence. Austin�s great municipal organs of the 1910s and 1920s, exuberant expressions of civic pride, still thrill audiences with majestic tuttis, and rainbows of contrasting tone colors and are carefully discussed. Click to read a further description.
Torrence & Yaeger: Virgil Fox (The Dish)padA remembrance of Virgil Fox by Richard Torrence and Marshall Yaeger, based on a memoir by Ted Alan Worth. 428 pages, softbound, 65 photographs
Everett Truette: The Organ (reprint)padEverett Truette of Boston published 1892-1894 "a monthly journal devoted to the King of Instruments" called The Organ. Its 24 issues contain biographies of contemporary organbuilders, music, technical articles, stoplists, advertisements, trivia, and a rich collection of letters including an acerbic exchange of views between Carlton Michell and Ernest M. Skinner. This large (9" x 12"), hardbound, facsimile edition of more than 600 pages of high-quality, coated, paper contains The Organ in its entirety.
Ochse: The History of the Organ in the United StatespadThis comprehensive survey of the American organ mentions most of nation�s organbuilders and provides histories of major figures including the Hooks, the Johnsons, M�ller, Erben, Tannenberg and many others. From instruments built by colonists to organs of the 20th century, Orpha Ochse describes historic instruments and events of organ history. 500 pages, 39 illustrations, stoplists, appendices. Softbound.
Dean of American Organists">Osborne: Clarence Eddy (1851-1937),
Dean of American Organists
padPublished by OHS! . . . welcome this extensively researched and highly readable portrait of the organ's most enthusiastic and prominent proponent of the early part of the last century. reviews James Hartman in The Diapason, June 2001. American-born organ virtuoso Clarence Eddy pursued and developed an international career, living in Chicago and Paris for much of his life, playing frequently and enlarging his influence through teaching, writing, consulting on organs, and composing organ works. This fascinating American figure enjoyed a substantial career in Europe. This first major biography brings light to a brilliant figure and a founder of the American Guild of Organists.
by Roberta Bitgood">Swell to Great: A Backward Look from My Organ Loft
by Roberta Bitgood
padThese 200 pages tell the life story of this 93-years-young pioneer of 20th century American church music, organist, teacher, recitalist, wife, mother and past AGO president. All who know Roberta will recognize her in these pages. Softbound
Regular price: $15.00
Sale price: $13.95
Michael I. Wilson: The Chamber Organ in Britain, 1600-1830padThis recent, revised edition takes into account the considerable research into chamber organs that has taken place over the last thirty years since the first publication of this book in 1968. Much of the book has been completely rewritten and expanded, and it includes a number of organs not detailed in the first edition. The book gives detailed descriptions of 196 British chamber organs, with information on their location, specifications, and design. There is also a general history of the chamber organ, and a section on construction.Click photo for more information
Boeringer: Organa BritannicapadThis is the largest inventory and reference ever published in the field of early English organs (1660-1860). Based on the notebooks of John H. Sperling originating in the 1840s and early 1850s, it comprises some 1,300 organ descriptions and drawings. These were compared to other historical sources by Dr. Boeringer in the exhaustive, seven-year effort of preparing this magnificent work. Added are hundreds of other photographs and drawings. Published 1983-89, hardbound, 8 x 11" Click on headline for descriptions of each volume
The Organ in Richmond by Donald R. TraserpadRich in Colonial history, Richmond, Virginia, has an organ heritage which this 266-page book explores, from the very earliest arrivals of two organs in 1816, one at St. John�s Church, where Patrick Henry uttered his most famous words, the other at Monumental Church. Richmond had or has organs from most major builders and some almost unique ones, especially more than a dozen built 1830-1878 by Henry Erben. Donald Traser gathers stoplists, photographs, anecdotes, and histories the organ histories of the city�s many churches in the 19th and 20th centuries as well as biographical notes on the organists who played and play them.
The Organist's Book of DayspadEvery five days, turn the page of this spiral-bound, 180-page book to see another fascinating photograph of an organ, organist, or composer. This calendar is good for any year. Each day records three or more events important to organ people, leaving plenty of space to record appointments and notes. A handy list of 1,300 important figures of the organ world gives birth and death dates. Compiled by Rollin Smith.
Monette: The Art of Organ VoicingpadAlas, OUT-OF-PRINT The publisher of this book, Western Michigan University, has no more copies and has no plans to print more. Therefore, it cannot be ordered as of June, 2003. As a highly-skilled voicer, Mr. Monette instructs in voicing organ pipes through photographs, drawings, and verbal description. Formerly associated with Aeolian-Skinner and Casavant, he in his book embraces pipe scaling, fabrication, voicing, regulation, cone tuning, and reed pipes, as well as a glossary, bibliography, and index. Hardbound, 168 pages, 91 illustrations.
OHS Organ HandbookspadLatest Editions feature organs in North Carolina, Boston, Montreal, Denver, and Philadelphia Published annually by OHS in conjuction with its national conventions, the Organ Handbook surveys historic organs in various geographical locations. Included are stoplists, photographs, recital programs, and historical information for up to three dozen organs per issue. Select from 29 editions.
Jean Langlais, The Man & His Music by Ann LabounskypadAs scholar, organist, and a favorite pupil of her subject, Ann Labounsky brings unique qualifications as his biographer, including Langlais' request that she write of his life and music.
Organs of the Cathedrals of FrancepadMore than 180 photos and stoplists of all of the organs in all of the cathedrals in France! Coffee-table size, 360 pages. Also includes a previously unreleased CD of Cochereau improvising.
Alan Laufman: Pipe Organs of Arlington, MassachusettspadAlan Laufman writes the rich organ history of the town near Boston that abounded and still abounds in fine instruments. Many photographs, color and black & white.
Ampt: The Sydney Town Hall OrganpadOrganist Robert Ampt, who has presided at the organ since 1978, lavishes this book that he has written with elaborate details of the history and construction of this spectacular instrument which survives almost entirely as built, with 126 stops intact � the best preserved, huge, Romantic masterpiece organ in the world, staggering in its impact and awesome in its musical potential. It has one of only two full-length 64� reed stops in existence. Many photos and drawings, historic, modern, and of technical details.
The New Bach Reader by H. T. David, A. Mindel, & Christoph WolffpadThrough hundreds of letters, family papers, anecdotes, and records, the Bach Reader established a new approach to biography by offering original documents in impeccable translations. In The New Bach Reader, Christoph Wolff has incorporated numerous facsimiles and added many newly discovered items, reflecting the current state of scholarship about the composer's life and music. The readings in this volume provide an accurate and vivid picture of Bach's world and of his far-reaching influence.
Wolff: Johann Sebastian Bach The Learned MusicianpadLow-Cost Paperback Edition! Christoph Wolff, the eminent Bach authority, provides a biographical portrait using documentary materials on Bach�s life and his complete musical works and their sources to study Bach within his family and community and also within the intellectual and cultural milieu of his time. A must-read for performers of Bach's music.
Regular price: $18.95
Sale price: $15.95
J. S. Bach as Organist by George Stauffer & Ernest MaypadA landmark study of J. S. Bach and the organ, these essays widely influence and inform those who play the organ works of J. S. Bach. Some of the 15 contributors include Christoph Wolff, Marie-Claire Alain, Harald Vogel, Peter Williams, Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini, John Brombaugh, George Stauffer, Robert L. Marshall, and Ernest May. Publisher's price $22.95
Peter Williams: The Organ in Western CulturepadThe organ historian, teacher and musician concentrates on the Middle Ages (750-1250), with glimpses into organ culture at chronological mileposts. 448 pages, hardbound.
Henderson: A Directory of Composers for OrganpadWith nearly ten thousand entries, this new edition of Dr. John Henderson�s directory of published music composed for the pipe organ becomes the most comprehensive resource available. Includes publishers and their addresses and each entry includes a biography of the composer.
Arnold: Organ Literature: A Comprehensive SurveypadAs of January 24, 2003, this work is permanently out-of-print from its publisher, Scarecrow Press/National Book Network, thus it is no longer orderable. OHS suggests as a superb alternative the more recent and even more comprehensive A Directory of Composers for Organ by Dr. Charles Henderson.The first volume traces the development of organ literature, places the composers in an historical background, and lists Bach organ compositions and compares editions. The second volume contains a biographical catalog of organ composers including biographical sketches; alphabetical listings of each composer�s works; the publisher, catalog number, and copyright date of the works and a publisher�s directory.
Ralph Downes: Baroque Tricks--Adventures with the Organ BuilderspadRalph Downes' adventures with organ builders and his theories offer many levels for enjoyment: from the technical to an utterly fascinating story of a unique man�s lifetime adventures, including his epoch-making design of the organ in London's Royal Festival Hall.
�Pleasing for Our Use� � David Tannenberg and the Organs of the MoravianspadGathered here are eight essays presented at the Tannenberg Symposium (concerning America's first native-trained organbuilder) by Barbara Owen, Raymond J. Brunner, Laurence Libin, Timothy Duncan, Nola Reed Knouse, Paul Larson, and Alice Caldwell. Edited by Carol Traupman-Carr
Ochse: Organists & Organ Playing in 19th-Century France & BelgiumpadAn account of the rise to brilliance of the organ profession in France and Belgium
Back in Print! Orpha Ochse traces the golden age of the organ profession in France and Belgium through the careers of Saint-Sa�ns, Franck, Gigout, Guilmant, Widor, and other influential figures. Publisher's price $24.95
Praet: Organ DictionarypadOrgan terms in 19 languages are compiled on 508 pages with many helpful line drawings.
by Laurie Shulman">The Meyerson Symphony Center: Building a Dream
by Laurie Shulman
padThe success of the C. B. Fisk organ at the home of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra has been the catalyst for concert hall organ projects in many places including Philadelphia, Seattle, Florida, Chicago, California, etc. The largest single chapter in the book is devoted to the organ and includes many photographs and telling interviews with its designers and builders.
Vierne & the Organ by Rollin SmithpadRollin Smith's superb book on Louis Vierne, profusely illustrated, is the first major study of the great student of Franck and Widor, and organist of Notre Dame in Paris for 37 years. More than 800 pages!
Compiled by Yvette Carbou (in French)">Pierre Cochereau: T�moignanges
Compiled by Yvette Carbou (in French)
padThis new book of 395 pages compiles more than 30 testimonies, remembrances, and anecdotes along with a chronology of significant events in Cochereau's life, many photographs. In French language only.
Graham Steed: Organ Works of Marcel Dupr�padA brand-new book analyses the organ works including biography, history, and instruments as they relate to the works.
Fenner Douglass: Cavaill�-Coll and the French Romantic TraditionpadDefinitive account of the early career of Aristide Cavaill�-Coll, the greatest organbuilder of 19th-century France.
The World's Greatest Organ: Wanamaker Store, Philadelphia, 1917padA 24-page booklet published in 1917 by the Wanamaker store in Philadelphia elegantly describes in prose and photographs the largest organ in the world. Click for a full description.
Raudsepp: Organs of Montrealpad
Jaffr�s: Michel Corrette & the Organpad
The E. M. Skinner/Aeolian-Skinner Opus Listpad
F. H . Sutton: Church Organs, Their Position & ConstructionpadSuperior examples of 19th-century British organs and liturgical decor, with many excellent illustrations.
Union Cinemas Ritz by Donald InksterpadA story of theatre organs and movie/variety shows in England. Peaking in 1936-37, the Union Cinemas chain opened new theatres weekly and broadcast organ music and variety shows daily.
The Million Dollar Life of Gaylord CarterpadGaylord Carter�s career as a secular organist spans most of this century. Beginning in the early days of silent movies, he held forth at the Million Dollar Theatre with Paul Whiteman and an orchestra in the pit, and later, in the golden days of the theatre organ, he played at the Paramount in Los Angeles. This anecdotal autobiography was dictated in 1969 and brought current to 1995 for this publication as Carter approached his 90th birthday. 226 pages, hardbound
The Oakland ParamountpadGLORIOUS COLOR bounds from 94 pages of exquisite Art Deco decoration and architecture chronicled in this handsome book devoted to the history and revival of the famous Paramount Theatre in Oakland, California. Constructed in 1930 to the elaborately exuberant design of renowned San Francisco architect Timothy Pflueger, this fabulous theatre-palace received the most painstaking restoration imaginable as described in the book�s well-written commentary. Several pages are devoted to the story of the theatre�s Wurlitzers, including the present reconstructed and enlarged Publix IV-class Wurlitzer of 27 ranks. Hardbound.
Fox: Robert Hope-JonespadObsessed with invention, Robert Hope-Jones struck a pathway that led to the fabulous Wurlitzer theatre organs. David Fox surveys Hope-Jones� many careers: as a builder of church and cathedral organs in England, as an inventor of organ devices and pipes, as a church musician, and as the impetus for the name Wurlitzer to reign supreme as the most widely admired theatre organ. Included are stoplists of 103 organs built 1887-1911, a compiled opus list of 246 Hope-Jones organs, a list of 122 Hope-Jones employees, and illustrated discussions of the organ devices invented by Hope-Jones and patented in the United States and/or England. 300 pages, hardbound, many photographs.
Guide to the Wanamaker Grand OrganpadTHE COMPLETE GUIDE to the organ of 28,500 pipes at Philadelphia�s great department store includes a thorough history of the organ, photos of the myriad pipe chambers, vintage views of the store, an illustrated section on celebrities associated with the organ, and a complete specification, including pipe and mixture composition details. Produced by the Friends of the Wanamaker Organ. 36 pages, soft,
Barnes: Contemporary American Organpad
Stop, Open and Reedpadis a magazine published by the Skinner Organ Company in eight issues, 1922 to 1929. Lavishly illustrated with pictures of organs, churches, residences and their Skinner organs, this magazine helped establish and maintain the image of the 20th-century�s best known organbuilder. OHS publishes the entire run in a 225-page book.
Gerhard Brunzema: His Work and His Influencepad
Holden: The Life & Work of Ernest M. SkinnerpadBY FAR THE MOST POPULAR book about an organbuilder, this book reveals the personal life, the professional triumphs and defeats of this most original and influential of America�s organbuilders in the Twentieth Century. These 327 pages include a large collection of photographs from Ernest Skinner�s own camera and other sources and stoplists of 24 organs. Everyone devoted to the organ and its music will be fascinated. Hardbound
Smith: The Aeolian Pipe Organ and Its Musicpad
Murray: French Masters of the OrganpadBack in Print! Michael Murray draws on his personal acquaintances with Messiaen, Langlais, and Dupr� as well as period documents, original accounts, early records, and other primary sources to sketch vivid portraits of these important 20th-century composers as well as their predecessors � Aristide Cavaill�-Coll, Franck, Widor, and Vierne. Murray provides students and admirers of French music and culture many details of the lives of these eminent Frenchmen and explores the relationship between organbuilding and composition as an insight into interpretation.
Whiteley: Joseph Jongen & His Organ Musicpad
Callahan: The American Classic Organpad
Lade: The Organ of Notre-Dame in Parispad
Audsley: Organ Stops and Their Artistic RegistrationpadThis Dover edition of the Audsley classic from 1921 includes a four-page introduction by American organ historian Rollin Smith. Smith presents a very brief biography of Audsley and reviews Audsley's association with the organ. The book itself is a standard reference and gives the names of organ stops, defines them, and traces their origins, describes their construction, their tonal characteristics, and their use in registration. Stops are arranged alphabetically. A must for any organ library. Soft-bound. 298 pages.
Audsley: Organ-Stops and Their Artistic RegistrationpadThis Audsley classic from 1921 gives the names of organ stops, defines them and traces their origins, describes their construction, their tonal characteristics, and their use in registration. Stops are arranged alphabetically. A must for any organ library. Soft-bound. 294 pp. (Note: This edition is identical to the Dover edition, but does not contain Dover's 4-page introduction by Rollin Smith.)
The Hook Opus ListpadReproduced in facsimile, the opus lists published by the Boston firm of E. & G. G. Hook, then Hook & Hastings, comprise 2,384 organs built 1829 � 1935. In addition, the compiler has arranged all of the organs by city and state. Reproductions of promotional literature produced 1857�1927 includes 45 stoplists, 120 engravings and photographs, and discussions of the firm�s history, placement of an organ, selection of stops, tuning and maintenance, terms of purchase, sample contracts, residence organs, automatic players, types of action, etc. Hardbound, 333 pages, illustrated.
Brunner: That Ingenious Business: Pennsylvania Dutch Organspad
Rushworth: Historic Organs of New South WalespadLarge and lavishly illustrated, this handsome book gathers the histories of hundreds of organs, their builders and their players. Australia is home to more unaltered 19th-century organs built in England than any other place, with some German and a few other nationalities represented as well.
The Great Organ at the Cathedral of St. John the Divinepad
Wilkes: Pipe Organs of Ann Arborpad
Ogasapian: English Cathedral Music in New York--Edward Hodgespad
Johnson: Limericks for Organistspad
Art of the Organpad
Smith: Saint-Sa�ns and the Organpad
Owen: The Registration of Baroque Organ Music (Softcover)pad
Pepin: Discovering Cathedralspad
Child: Discovering Church Architecturepad
Douglass: The Language of the Classical French OrganpadThe publisher has not declared this book to be "out-of-print," yet they have no copies on hand and have not determined a date for reprinting to replenish their stocks, nor has the publisher announced what the price will be when they have reprinted the book. Thus, OHS regrets that an order for this book cannot be accepted or filled until the publisher has acted. This expanded edition of an important treatise features an extensively revised bibliography by Kimberly Marshall and a chapter titled ��Toward the Restoration of Grace in Early French Organ Ornamentation�� reprinted from Charles Brenton Fisk, Organ Builder 251 pages, softbound.
French Organ Music from the Revolution to Franck and WidorpadThis new softbound edition (formerly $79 in hardcover) presents eleven essays by Kimberly Marshall, Rollin Smith, Daniel Roth, Craig Cramer, Marie-Louise Langlais, and others explore historical, performance, and source matters in French Romantic organ music by such composers as Bo�ly, Lemmens, Franck, and Widor.
J�rgen Ahrend, Organbuilderpad
Hurford: Making Music on the Organpad
Cambridge Companion to the OrganpadCollected and edited by Nicholas Thistlethwaite & Geoffrey Webber, these essays discuss all aspects of the organ and its music, ". . . so that even if the modern player is unable to play a particular piece on the most appropriate type of organ, he or she will be able to understand to a fair extent the music as it was conceived for a particular school of organ design and thus be able to reinterpret it as requried on the instrument available." Reviews the October, 1999, issue of The American Organist, "For scholarly yet accessible surveys of the major schools of organ music, [this book] stands alone."
Bicknell: The History of the English OrganpadStephen Bicknell deals with English organs and their builders in their full historical and cultural context from about 900 A. D. to the 1990s.
Thistlethwaite: The Making of the Victorian OrganpadNow $29.95! A landmark survey of the innovative period from 1820 to 1870 in British organbuilding, this volume embraces major church, cathedral, and concert organs built or influenced by such figures as William Hill, Dr. A. G. Hill, Henry Willis, Henry Smart, Samuel Sebastian Wesley, and others.
Rimbault: The Early English Organ Builders and Their Workspad
Pacey & Popkin: The Organs of Oxfordpad
Plumley: The Organs of the City of Londonpad
Fanfare for an Organ-Builderpad
Guest: A Guest at Cambridgepad
Audsley: The Art of Organ-Buildingpad
Regular price: $49.90
Sale price: $47.95
Piltingsrud & Tancous: The Aging of Organ LeatherpadHow to specify leather that will last for 40-60 years or more. Especially important information for the construction or repair, or rebuilding of an electropneumatic organ.
Voicing and Tuningpad
Dom Bedos: The Organ-BuilderpadThis exquisite editions is available in very limited quantity. Presented in two 11" x 17" volumes weighing 17 pounds, it includes 400 pages of text and 137 full-page or larger illustrations, all printed on Perma-Life paper. The volumes are hand sewn and are robust in binding to give good service in the workshop. This magnificent work was originally published in four installments which appeared 1776-1778. Click headline for further description
Gellerman: The American Reed Organ and the Harmoniumpad
Gellerman: Reed Organ Atlaspad
Estey Reed Organs on Paradepad
Mason: The History & Development of the American Cabinet Organpad
The Smith American Organ Company Catalogpad
The 1915 Cornish Company Catalogpad
Ogasapian: Church Organs -- A Guide to SelectionpadThe most useful and comprehensive resource that an organ committee could hope to read
Riedel: Acoustics in the Worship SpacepadYears of experience as an acoustician and church musician are applied to a practical method of determining and achieving acoustical design for the worship space. Included are: placement of participants, instruments; building materials and furnishings; geometric arrangement of walls, surfaces and spaces; reverberation; and public address systems.
Acoustics for LiturgypadEssays by an acoustician, an architect, a musician, an organbuilder, a theologian and a pastor provide solid advice. Booklet
Klotz: The Organ HandbookpadThis book on the structure, design, maintenance, history, and function of the organ addresses construction of the organ, what the architect should know, how the pastor and congregation should plan, maintenance, service playing, a brief history, and notes for the organist. It provides a list of organ music, a bibliography, and a 14"-square fold-out of an organ�s internal mechanism. It is quite technical.
Wasson: Hymntune Index and Related Hymn MaterialspadCompiled by D. DeWitt Wasson, this 3-volume compendium not only indexes 33,907 hymntunes but also lists every publication of each one. There are metrical, and melodic indices as well as indices of sources (with lifedates of composers or publication dates), hymnals, hymnals by denomination, composers, editors of collections, and others. A thoroughgoing description and very positive review appear in the October, 1999, issue of The American Organist.
Regular price: $335.00
Sale price: $315.00
Organs in Altenburg Landpad
Soderlund: A Guide to the Pipe OrganpadEspecially useful to those who are trying to make sense of organ mechanisms, terms and jargon, such as "unification," "registration," "stops," "ranks." etc.
Gerald Frank: The Life & Work of Johann Traugott WandkepadA pioneer Texas organbuilder, Wandke immigrated in 1855 to build organs on the frontier. This biography also describes extant organs. Extensive appendices include diaries and notes. 100 pages hardbound Click for more description
by William Self">For Mine Eyes Have Seen
by William Self
padSPECIAL The late William Self, long the organist of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, New York, and All Saints Church, Worcester, Massachusetts, tells dozens of tales of famous persons, places, and organs (especially Aeolian-Skinner organs) that filled his career.
Regular price: $29.95
Sale price: $8.95
Pinel: Old Organs of Princetonpad
Buck: Choir Accompanimentpad
Ellingford: The Art of Transcribing for the Organpad
Kenneth Udy: Alexander Schreiner -- The California YearspadIn the 1920s and '30s, Alexander Shreiner (who became organist of the Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle in 1939) began a stellar career in Southern California, first becoming a theatre organist in 1917 in Salt Lake City, Utah, where his family had moved from N�rnberg, Germany, in 1912 as members of the Mormon church. This book traces that career, the instruments he played in churches and theatres, the works he played, and his program notes on the repertoire.
Regular price: $35.00
Sale price: $25.00
An Organist�s Reader: Essays by Robert NoehrenpadFrom early essays (1949-51) on European organs to autobiographical reflections, these collected essays by Robert Noehren trace his influential development and the changing styles of American organbuilding and organ playing. Click on picture to read an enlightening review of the book and of a retrospective CD.
Jahnsen: Old Durner Pipe Organs Continue to SpeakpadConcentrating on ten instruments by Quakertown, Pennsylvania, organbuilder Chalres F. Durner (1838-1914) and his son Charles E. Durner (1863-1932), the author sets out to sutdy the organists who played them, their families and students, triumphs and tragedies.
The Tracker, Journal of the Organ Historical SocietypadPublished 4-times a year by OHS since 1956 as the nation's only journal dedicated to its organ history, back issues are available for $5 each; entire whole volumes with four issues in each volume are $18 each. An index is available for $7.50. Also click here for subscription information.
Materials for
Organ Committee
padThese books and videotapes are for those who must make decisions regarding organ selection, repair, rebuilding, and fund raising, especially for worship spaces and institutions. Informational and motivational, these items equip a committee with solid help in making a good decision. Also, several items are helpful in the design of new or remodelling of existing worship space. Click on the headline for descriptions of each item and to order.
World's Largest Organs; Oldest & Unique, ToopadCheck out the collection of books about and recordings made on the world's largest organs, oldest organs, and unique organs.