
edited by Gary J. Albert

America�s first professional organbuilder, David Tannenberg of Lititz, Pennsylvania, completed in 1798 at age 70 a new organ for one of the buildings of the Moravian community at Salem, North Carolina. Its new owners were so pleased with the instrument that they immediately ordered another, larger organ for Home Moravian Church in Salem. That organ remains the largest extant of Tannenberg�s instruments, with two manuals and pedal. Silent for 88 years as it languished in storage, the organ was restored 1998-2004 by Taylor & Boody. This handsome book recounts Tannenberg�s biography, the organ�s history, and the story of its restoration in three essays by William H. Armstrong, Paula Locklair, and Bruce Shull. More than half of the book is devoted to the restoration, including many technical details of materials, scaling and voicing of each rank, construction of the components, action, and case, the wind system, and challenges presented in the process. Illustrations and photographs abound, including historical images of the builder and of the organ and modern ones of restoration details. 120 pages, softbound

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Salem's Largest Tannenberg, RestoredpadNEW! Peter Sykes dedicates the largest extant organ built by America�s first native-trained organbuilder, David Tannenberg, commissioned in 1798 and having 2m & full pedal, was restored 1998-2003 by Taylor & Boody and resides in a concert hall with superb acoustics in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The dedication recital was played in March, 2004, including works by C. P. E. Bach, Christian Latrobe (brother of the American architect Benjamin Latrobe), Krebs, Mozart, Mendelssohn, and the premiere of a new work by Dan Locklair. Click picture for details
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