
This anthology presents the literary expressions from writers who have sought to capture the magic of the organ in poetry and prose, in stories, in factual and fictional accounts, in simile, and in metaphor. Literature by about one hundred authors is divided into five sections: 1) poetry from six centuries (by such as Auden, Browning, Chaucer, Dickinson, Dryden, Eliot, Hesse, Marvell, Milton and Dylan Thomas); 2) passages from novels; 3) excerpts from mystery writers; 4) short stories, printed in their entirety, by such masters as Arnold Bennett, David Ely, Bill Franzen, Garrison Keillor, H. L. Mencken, and Jessamyn West; 5) essays by such as Leigh Hunt, George Bernard Shaw, Richard Steele, and Virgil Thomson. Selections are linked with commentary and background and biographical information. 216 pages hardbound

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