
by Anders Carlsson, Hans Davidsson, Su Dunthorne, Pamela Ruiter-Feenstra, Joel Speerstra
In an ultimate investigation (so far) into the design and construction of the North German Baroque organ as built by its most famous builder, Arp Schnitger, Göteborg University in Sweden organized some of the world’s great organbuilders, scientists, and experts into a group who have literally built a new and large Schnitger of 82 ranks based on precise studies and duplication of extant and evidence of extinct examples, most specifically the pipes of the Schnitger at St. Jacobi in Hamburg, Germany, and the case of the Schnitger built for the cathedral in Lübeck, Germany. They built it for the Örgryte New Church in Göteborg beginning in 1994 and completing it in 2000. The project is related in mostly non-technical terms in this handsome book, including 70 photographs, mostly in color, and a highly informative text in English. 77 pages, hardbound.
