
by Felix Friedrich & Albrecht Dietl

For those who cannot read German, this German-language book is an ideal resource to discover the interesting organs in the vicinity of Altenburg, a city in the central German state of Thuringia which is of great interest to Bach scholars because of the master�s early residence and work there. Formerly unavailable to western organists and scholars, these organs in what was East Germany are now eagerly studied. View large, color photographs of 45 organs and read their stoplists. For each church, easily read the names of builders and dates of previous organs, conveniently and synoptically arranged by date. These are fascinating organs, often by builders unknown to us, in an area rich in organ tradition. Eighteenth-century builders such as Trost (a favorite of J. S. Bach) and Donati are represented. Most of the extant organs and their handsome cases date throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries when the major builders were members of the Poppe and Kreutzbach families as well as Ladegast, B�hme, R�hlmann, Hesse, Winter, Z�llner, Opitz, Sch��ler, Hegermann, Mauer, Trampeli, and L�bel. Some retain pipework of earlier instruments. Also documented is work completed in this century by such builders as Hoyer, Schmei�er, Jehmlich, Eule, Lahmann, B�hm, Heinze, Gerdes, Dietl, Rietzsch, Sauer, Michel, and others. Brief introductory essays by Friedrich will reward readers of German, as will explanatory notes on each organ.

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A CD to Accompany the Book: Organs in Altenburg LandpadOrgans in Altenburg Land Felix Friedrich and Albrecht Dietl play the Silbermann organ at Ponitz, the Schuster organ in G��nitz, the Poppe organs in Wintersdorf and Z�rchau, and the Donati organ in Wei�bach. Works by Kuhnau, Agricola, Krebs, Pachelbel, St�lzel, Bach, Richter, Stade, Mendelssohn.
Compact Disc VKJK-9401pad$14.98pad