
Thirteen Essays About the Organ, Edited by Paul Hale">

This book collects the views of distinguished writers, all known for being both leaders in their fields and also blessed with penetrating philosophical insight. Peter Williams and John Butt present the prospect of a "post-authentic" future with a variety of performance styles informed by recently gained knowledge but no longer suggesting that good performance implies a straight jacket. Thomas Murray observes an international reawakening of true romanticism in organ playing and building. Kevin Boyer sheds new light on the whole range of 20th-century organ music. Stephen Bicknell rejoices in the inspiring quality of contemporary organbuilding in the USA. Nicholas Thistlethwaite visits landmarks of 20th-century organbuilding, and John Norman predicts a century ahead. Patrick Burns brings a new impression of the Atlantic City organ, the largest in the world. David Briggs writes on improvisation and Roy Bingham on theatre-organ playing. Two writers examine church music: Lionel Dakers surveys the 20th century and Richard Shephard discusses today's demands on church music composers. Terry Hoyle traces the history of organ recordings. Introductory essays by The Most Rev. David Hope, Archbishop of York; and general editor Paul Hale, along with Photographs and brief biographies of the writers complete this fine book, published in 2000 in England by the Incorporated Association of Organists. 187 pages, illustrated, softbound

Foreword by His Grace, the Archbishop of York
Preface by the editor, Paul Hale

Bach Revisited
Professor Peter Williams
Are we any closer to understanding Bach, the organist and organ-composer?

Dr John Butt
The historical performance movement; Bach and the organ in 2000

The Organ & Its Music
Stephen Bicknell
The Best of the Bunch: a personal view of some Twentieth Century landmarks

Canon Nicholas Thistlethwaite
The English Cathedral Organ in the Twentieth Century

Professor Thomas Murray
Heretical Thoughts from a Neo-orchestralist

John Norman
Into the Twenty-third Century

Patrick Burns
A visit to the world's largest organ, with some impressions, views and opinions

Kevin Bowyer
Twentieth Century European Organ Music: a Toast

David Briggs
Improvisation: a Perspective

Roy Bingham
Theatre Organ Playing

Church Music
Dr Lionel Dakers
Church music in the Twentieth Century: a rise and fall?

Richard Shephard
Composing for the Church today

Recorded Music
Terry Hoyle
The rise and rise of the recording industry

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