
A Pictorial Essay about the World’s Largest Pipe Organ">

This large-format book contains 94 of the legendary black and white 8"x10" photographs taken by Fred Hess & Son between 1929 and 1932, documenting the construction of the famous Midmer-Losh pipe organ with its 449 ranks and 33,114 pipes -- the largest organ in the world -- at the the Atlantic City Convention Hall. These photographs are beautifully reproduced in their exact original size. The instrument’s historian, Stephen Smith, provides illuminating information for each photograph, far beyond the typical photo caption.

Among the many powerful images in this limited edition publication are: building and installing the Pedal organ’s 64-foot rank; views inside of all eight pipe chambers; the three versions of the portable five-manual console; assembling the seven-manual console; individual exotic pipes from various stops; blower and relay rooms; plus many other intriguing scenes of this extraordinary pipe organ.

Having seen these pictures and having read the very informative text associated with each of them, one better understands why author Patrick Burns wrote: "I regard this instrument as the eighth wonder of the world." and why Reginald Foorte said: "The Full Organ…was the most fantastically glorious sound I ever heard."

112 pages, 95 photographs, hardbound 11.5" x 13"

Book 9427padRegular price: $45.00padSale price: $25.00pad

Atlantic City Convention HallpadThe first recording in two decades of the world’s largest organ, the famous organ created by Senator Emerson Richards and built by Midmer-Losh with 7 manuals and 449 ranks to fill the 41,000-seat Atlantic City Convention Hall with sound.
Compact Disc ACCHOS-01pad$14.98pad