

This is the largest inventory and reference ever published in the field of early English organs (1660-1860). Based on the notebooks of John H. Sperling originating in the 1840s and early 1850s, it comprises some 1,300 organ descriptions and drawings. These were compared to other historical sources by Dr. Boeringer in the exhaustive, seven-year effort of preparing this magnificent work. Added are hundreds of other photographs and drawings. Published 1983-89, hardbound, 8 x 11", the three volumes include:

Vol. I Individual entries for organs in Great Britain and Ireland, arranged geographically, Bedfordshire to Gloucestershire. Also, a history of English organbuilding, 1660-1860; glossary; biographical dictionary of some 500 organbuilders; essays on groups of builders and their works; classification and illustration of organ cases by types. Vol. 1, 351 pages, hardbound.

Vol. 2 Organs in Great Britain and Ireland, arranged geographically, Hampshire to Nottinghamshire. Vol. 2, 380 pages, hardbound.

Vol. 3 Organs in Great Britain and Ireland, arranged geographically, Oxfordshire to Yorkshire. Also British organs in Australia, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Holland, Poland, Rumania, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, U. S. A. Appendix on bells, bibliography, index for the volumes. Vol. 3, 425 pages, hardbound.

Boeringer: Organa Britannica
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