
Since its original publication in 1986, this collection of essays has widely influenced and informed those who play the organ works of J. S. Bach. The list of essayists comprises highly respected performers, musicologists, and organbuilders who enlighten our understanding of Bach: Christoph Wolff, Marie-Claire Alain, Harald Vogel, Peter Williams, Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini, Ulrich D�hnert, Hartmut Haupt, John Brombaugh, Ernest May, Werner Breig, George Stauffer, Friedhelm Krummacher, Laurence Dreyfus, Robert L. Marshall, and Victoria Horn. Several essays address each of three major topics: The Instruments Used by Bach; Bach's Organ Music; and Matters of Performance Practice. The book is thoroughly indexed and includes a helpful Calendar of Events in Bach's Life as Organist. Softbound, 308 pages. Publisher's price $22.95

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