
The Story of the World's Largest Pipe Organ by Stephen D. Smith">

The comprehensive book about the World's Largest Organ in the Atlantic City Convention Hall contains almost every detail concerning the instrument, including a wealth of information that has never before been published. Hard facts and personal opinions are brought together in an almost story-like format that includes historical information, technical details, stop lists, and biographies of people involved with the organ. 523 pages, hardbound

Book 9441padRegular price: $46.00padSale price: $25.00pad

Atlantic City Convention HallpadThe first recording in two decades of the world�s largest organ, the famous organ created by Senator Emerson Richards and built by Midmer-Losh with 7 manuals and 449 ranks to fill the 41,000-seat Atlantic City Convention Hall with sound.
Compact Disc ACCHOS-01pad$14.98pad