
THIS EXQUISITE EDITION is available in very limited quantity. Presented in two 11" x 17" volumes weighing 17 pounds, it includes 400 pages of text and 137 full-page or larger illustrations, all printed on Perma-Life paper. The volumes are hand sewn and are robust in binding to give good service in the workshop. This magnificent work, originally published in four installments which appeared 1776-1778, includes:

Part I General information on geometry, mechanics, and tools, and descriptions and dimensions for every part of the organ.

Part II Detailed instructions for making all of the parts of an organ; detailed instructions for voicing and tuning, enlarging, and maintaining the finished instrument.

Part III Models of stoplists and a specimen contract for having an organ built. It explains how to test an organ, advises organists on matters within their competence concerning the building and maintaining of an organ, and recommends certain registrations as being appropriate to various kinds of composition.

Part IV Deals with organs for use elsewhere than in churches and with mechanical organ playing devices. The instructions for translating printed music into mechanical organ form give insights into French performance practices of the mid-18th Century.

SPECIAL SHIPPING: $12 will be added to the price of this book for shipping within the U. S. via UPS. When you check-out, select any shipping you desire for the rest of your order, or, if this is the only item, select UPS. Regardless of what your confirmation reports, OHS will charge only $12 for shipping via UPS only. Call 804-353-9226 Monday through Friday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. if you desire to make other arrangements for delivery. Shipping outside the U. S. will be charged in the normal manner (choose air or surface; we will charge the actual cost of postage and insurance, plus $2.50).

Dom Bedos: The Organ-Builder
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