
This is the first book-length survey of 20th-century British music for solo organ. Beginning with a discussion of British organ music in the waning Victorian era, the book focuses on pieces that composers wrote, their musical style, possible influences on the composition of specific works, and details of composition. Larger studies on composers who made significant contributions to organ music include Parry, Stanford, Healey Willan, Herbert Howells, Percy Whitlock, Francis Jackson, Peter Racine Fricker, Arthur Wills, and Kenneth Leighton. Composers� biographies, the role of organs and organ building developments, influential political and sociological events, and aesthetic aspects of British musical life are also discussed in detail. In the concluding chapter, the author discusses the major phases and achievements of the century. A comprehensive Catalog of Works provides titles of works, dates of composition, details of publishers, and the dates of publication. More than 60 music examples, twelve black and white photos, and an up-to-date bibliography are included. 432 pages, hardbound

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