

A Hymn to Mother of God, Song for Athene, As one who has slept, A parting gift for Tam Farrow, Annunciation, Magnificat and Nunc dimittis, The Lamb, The Tyger, Hymn of the Unwaning Light, The Lord�s Prayer

Tavener: Choral Ikons The Choir, James Whitbourn, conductor, sings music of Sir John Tavener (b. 1944), whose fame spread wide when his Song for Athene was sung during Princess Diana�s funeral in 1998. He writes,�I see music as a �window of sound� on to the Divine World . . .� The DVD includes the virtual recreation of the interior of the Hagia Sophia, Justinian�s great 6th-century church.

DVD OA-0855Dpad$29.98pad