
For our tenth anniversary year, OHS European Organ Tours will offer two unforgettable journeys in areas of Europe that are especially rich in great organs: Tour No. 1 to Northern France and Tour No. 2 to The Netherlands. (see below)

The OHS European Organ Tour: How We Do It
It is our custom to visit very significant organs of all sizes, from monumental instruments of three and four manuals to charming, small organs of great artistic merit. During our 1- to 1�-hour visit to each organ, our artistic leader or the church organist will provide a short, comprehensive demonstration, using appropriate music to show characteristic registrations. Then, participants may play and/or examine the organs (including interior mechanisms where permitted).

A booklet with essential information about each organ will be provided to each participant at the beginning of each tour. Photo and recording opportunities will abound. As time permits, other activities complimentary to our organ visits will be scheduled in order to make the tour as instructive, varied, and enjoyable as possible.

We will stay in comfortable, three- and four-star hotels. Each room will have two beds and a private bath.

The standard fee (as stated for each tour, below) is for double occupancy and, if you are travelling alone, we will put you in touch with other registrants who seek a roommate. Or, one may pay a supplemental fee for a single-occupancy room (see download brochure).

Included in the price of each tour are hotel accommodations in double occupancy rooms for 9 nights, all breakfasts, a final dinner, luxury coach transportation, admissions to all tour organs, the tour booklet, and the assistance of the tour leaders. Not included in the tour cost are the air travel, surface transportation to and from the hotels where we will meet, lunches, and other evening meals. Prices are based on 40 participants in each tour and are subject to modest adjustment prior to departure, if necessary. A 10% discount for those under age 25 is available.

Tour No. 1 in Northern France August 4 - August 12, 2004padThe tour will encompass the area of France between Rheims and Omaha Beach on the Normandy coast, ending with a visit to the Basilica of St. Denis north of Paris. Artistic leadership will be provided by Hans Uwe Hielscher as we explore great organs by 18th-century French classic builders, great 19th century organs by Cavaill�-Coll (at least 12 instruments) and other Romantic builders, too, as well as 20th and even 21st century builders. The cost will be $1,600 per person for 8 days and 9 nights of organ touring, with opportunities to play most of the organs, if you wish. A deposit of $400 can be paid now via the OHS Catalog or you may call OHS at 804-353-9226 Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time. Download a brochure from the OHS institutional website for more information
Tour in France, Depositpad$400.00pad
Tour No. 2 in The Netherlands August 15 - August 23, 2004padThe second tour will be in lovely Holland. Starting in the eastern part of the country, our beloved artistic leader, Prof. Dr. Martin Weyer, will lead us throughout this "land of the organ" to experience Renaissance, Baroque, Romantic, and modern organs of the highest quality and importance. When it comes to great organs, there is no place like The Netherlands! The cost will be $1,650 per person for 8 days and 9 nights of organ touring, with opportunities to play most of the organs, if you wish. A deposit of $400 can be paid now via the OHS Catalog or you may call OHS at 804-353-9226 Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time. Download a brochure from the OHS institutional website for more information
Tour in The Netherlands, Depositpad$400.00pad