
BACH: Toccata & Fugue in d (J�rgen Wolf, Ladegast/Sauer organ); Motet F�rchte dich nicht BWV 228 (St. Thomas Choir, Leipzig, Georg Christoph Biller, dir.); Chaconne from Partita 2 in c, BWV 1004 (Victoria Mullova, violin) MENDELSSOHN: H�re Israel from Elias, op. 70 (Nancy Argenta, soprano, St. Thomas Choir BEETHOVEN: Sym. 5 (Gewandhaus Orch., Herbert Blomstedt, dir.)

In this church on October 9, 1989, a �Protest of Silence� led to the reunification of Germany and demolition of the Berlin Wall beginning exactly one month later. The DVD includes a documentary on the event. The concert recorded here was given 10 years later, to the day, for benefit of this church, where Bach was cantor simultaneously with his position at St. Thomas Church.

DVD AH-100039pad$24.98pad