

Choral & Instrumental Works of Harold Friedell

CHORAL: Psalm 25; Modal Communion Service; Draw us in the spirit’s tether; The Way to Jerusalem; Mag & Nunc in F; Thou Son of Christmas Day; The shepherds had an angel; Sweet Little Jesu
ORGAN: Prelude on St. Columba; Lullaby; Elegy (harp, violin & organ)

Harold Friedell (1905-58), organist and choirmaster in prestigious New York Episcopal churches including St. Bartholomew’s and Calvary Church and on the Union Seminary faculty, left a legacy of liturical music that the choir of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Richmond, Virginia, and its organist/choirmaster Neal Campbell explore in this interesting recording. He and Deborah Cuffee Davis play the intact 1949 Aeolian-Skinner op.1110, splendid in its accompaniments to the full-throated choir adopting the style prevalent in Friedell’s New York.

Compact Disc CD7096pad$14.98pad