

HANDL: Duo Seraphim ESQUIVEL: Duo Seraphim HEREDIA: Magnificat Octavi Toni DERING: Duo Seraphim WEIR: Illuminare, Jerusalem SCHEIDT: Duo Seraphim POSTON: The Apple Tree Carol WARLOCK: Bethlehem Down harm. WOOD: King Jesus Hath a Garden CUTTER: Little Lamb HOWELLS: Long, Long Ago WILLAN: What is This Lovely Fragrance LISTER: Christmas Hymn DAVIES: Jesus Autem Hodie MATHEWS: Dans les Obres de la Nuit WILLCOCKS: Angelus ad Virginem VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Down in Yon Forest; Wither�s Rocking Hymn

Duo Seraphim The Choir of the Church of the Advent, Boston, Edith Ho, music director; Mark Dwyer, organist and assistant conductor, exquisitely render a group of Christmas works.

Compact Disc SK516pad$14.98pad